Sunday, February 28, 2010
Day 7 The day at Mt. Charleston
For breakfast I had a flat bagel sandwich with eggs, cheese, and ham. I also had a flat bagel by itself. They are really good and a lot healthier than regular bagels. I also ate a little of more scrambled eggs.
Lunch was chili and corn bread.
Dinner was pulled pork sandwich with, corn and some macaroni salad. I again avoided eating any candy but I did have a snack pack pudding for desert.
I am proud of myself with my food. We had a great day as a family tubing and playing in the snow. It was so much fun that my wife wants to buy a cabin. We'll see how my career goes and her photography.
Thanks, Doug
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Day 6 Heading to Mt. Charleston
I at a small bowl of grapenuts and milk, a danactive and one fiberone granola bar.
Glass of orange juice.
I will update tomorrow night the rest of the food I ate for Saturday.
Thanks, Doug
Here is my continuation for Saturday's food.
I at a chicken breast sandwich from Wendy's I didn't eat the bun.
A handful of cheese nip crackers.
For dinner I had a turkey and cheese sandwich with tomato soup.
I resisted eating smores with my family.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 5 of Doug's effort to Lose Weight in Las Vegas
I think I'll stick to working out at home but with more intensity.
At work I also did a few different sets with my 25 lbs dumbbell at.
I tried something different for breakfast. I had a small amount of grape nuts cereal and it kept me satisfied for a while.
I had my usual of motts apple sauce, an orange, one bag of carrots, fiber one granola bar, Tuna Salad Lunch to Go.
For dinner we went out to eat with my wife's family at ihop. On the back of the menu they have some *healthy options. I ate the spinach and mushroom omelet with a side of fruit. I resisted the urge to finish my wife's eggs and my daughters left over pancakes and eggs. Since I am changing my life I have to convince myself it is ok to waste food. Before when I would go out to eat with the family I would eat my food and then any and every leftover I could find so I didn't feel we were wasting food.
Drink: Danactive, V-8, Glass of Apple Juice
Now for another challenge, the weekend! To top it off we are going to a cabin at Mt. Charleston Saturday night to play in the snow. I am committed to making quality food choices and I will workout before I leave.
* I never knew it before but I'm pretty sure that the majority of restaurants will have a healthy option. I just have to look!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Day 4 I need to lose weight blog
I made it over the hurdle of going out to eat the first time and making a health choice and not over eating in a restaurant.
The next challenge was when I came home my family was gone and I was in the house by myself. My wife was coming back for an engagement photo shoot. All the food in the house was calling my name... It was tough but I resisted the urge to stuff my face.
My final challenge of the day is that I didn't do my workout until after 10:30 but I did do it.
Today was day four of 20 second fitness
Food: Fiberone Granola Bar, Motts apple sauce cup, one pack of baby carrots.
I went out to lunch but made a wise choice. I went to Rubio's and had a health mex mahi mahi burrito with rice.
Dinner: I had one stick of string cheese and a two egg burrito, with a little salsa.
Drink: V-8, Danactive, glass of orange juice
I'm really excited to see what is going to happen with my weight since I have been cutting out the extra eating!
Thanks, Doug
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 3 Fight to Lose Weight in Las Vegas
Exercise: Today I went golfing at Bears Best. It was pretty cold but a lot of fun. I am trying to get back into golf after my two knee surgeries last year. I'm getting better and better. Unfortunately my knee was pretty sore. But I still did my day three of 20 second fitness. The first part was on lower body so I was hurting. I will be icing my knee before I go to bed.
Food: Strawberry Granola bar, banana, motts apple sauce, small apple, orange, two bags of carrots, fiber one granola bar, Tuna Salad Lunch to Go. (I didn't eat any junk food on the golf course!) Once I got home I had a salad. Then some tortia chips and salsa, with a little cottage cheese in the salsa. Very yummy.
Drink: Danactive, V-8, Glass of Apple Jucie, Glass of Orange Jucie
Thanks, Doug
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Why I choose the workout 20 Second Fitness
It has made a huge physical change in my life, Tiff’s (my wife) and many of our test subjects over the past six months. I’ve attached a photo that shows my transformation from Jan 1st 2009 to Oct 2009. Also my current profile photo is from January 1st of 2010. This is a direct result of me implementing the 20 Second Fitness program into the last six months of my life.

Day 2 of Losing Weight in Las Vegas
Couple sets with 25 lbs dumbell at work.
Day 2 of my 20 Second Fitness Work Out
At work: Banana, Fiberone Granola Bar, Tuna Salad Lunch to Go, two packets of baby carrots, motts apple sauce cup.
Snack pack pudding, handful of gold fish, quaker granola bar, bowl of twice baked potatoes.
Danactive, V-8
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 1 Lose Weight in Las Vegas
I set my alarm twenty minutes early this morning. But I was lazy and didn't get up in time to work out. I did do my knee lifts on the pull up bar I have in my closet. I did 20 to the front and five to each side.
Quick dumbell set with my 25 lbs. dumbell at work.
I have already done the warm up weeks of 20 Second Fitness so today I did the first offical day and it was pretty tough. Because of my knees I had to modify the pushups but I still felt the burn. The work out was 10 minutes long and I was pretty intense so I felt it.
Strawberry's slices
five little wrap slices left over from last night. They were a wrap with dip and pretty good but tasted heavy and fattening so I threw the rest out.
Fiber One Granola Bar
Individual cup of Motts apple sauce and a Banana
Tuna Lunch to go Pack
I struggle the most with food when I get home from work.
I ate one bag of baby carrots, a small plate of some quick and easy chicken fried rice meal and a chocolate snack pack.
I was extremely hungry but I didn't eat any more. All I have wanted to do was snack all night but I didn't want to have to write down what I did on this blog.
Drink: I always drink a lot of water but here are my other drinks for the day.
One Danactive drink 5.5 oz V8 JuiceDay one is over! Now to day two!
Thanks, Doug
Goals to get back in shape in Las Vegas
I have to change my eating habits. Food is my biggest downfall and the main issue that I struggle with. When I go out to eat I want the biggest thing on the menu that is the cheapest. I love buffets and living in Las Vegas I am surrounded by them. Some men are tempted by the dirty billboards around town of women. Me I'm tempted by seeing billboards about the Excalibur and their $29 buffet. Or getting a coupon for CiCi's buffet & I'm itching to get my food fix just like an alcoholic would need a drink. I am a religious person and consider myself disciplined and a good person. But when it comes to food I am weak and this must change. Part of changing is admitting I have a problem so here it is I have an eating problem!
Since I have had the knee surgeries I hate exercising. I am afraid that if I exercise I will end up hurting my knee again and will have to have surgery again. I used to love to work out back before it hurt. Now I am so out of shape that walking up the stairs in my house make me feel like I am going to have a heart attack.
Here are my beginning goals and they will change as I progress.
Write on this blog every day.
Track what food I eat / change my eating habits.
Track my workout.
Work out six days a week.
Become healthy for myself and my family.
Thanks, Doug
20 Second Fitness
The workout I'm doing / 20 second fitness
Please comment and tell me what you think.
The workout!
I am not doing the P90X challenge because it is too intense for me with my knee problems. I can't do the jumps, push ups or any exercise that puts to much pressure on my knees.
I also looked at Insanity home workout. But again that was to much on my knees.
I found a workout that is more about changing your life over time than killing yourself for 60 to 90 days. The workout that I am doing is called 20 second fitness.
The owner and founder of 20 second fitness doesn't even know I am doing this blog yet. I'm sure he will find out but for now I am grateful that I have found a workout that I feel I can do.
The idea is to do the workout and help kick start your metabolism and keep it working throughout the day. Visit there website to learn more.
Thanks, Doug
20 Second Fitness
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Doug is sick of being fat in Las Vegas
Hello my name is Doug. I am 28 years old and live in Las Vegas NV. I used to be in shape and happy with my body. As the years have come and gone I have gained more and more weight. I used to be in great shape. I was in the Marine Corps and played any and every sport I could. Sports are what got me into this mess. I blew out my knee when I was 21 years old. I have now had six knee surgeries, three on each knee.
I am sick of being unhealthy. I work and go to school online so I don't get much exercise.
On February 21, 2010 I weigh 267 pounds and I'm 5'10".
When I was in high school I weighted 205 pounds when I played football. When I was in the Marine Corps I weighted 179 pounds when I met my wife at age 20. At the pace I am going I will kill myself with the weight I gained.
Today I decided to stop waiting and make a change. This was confirmed when I tried to dance with my daughter and ended up tweaking my back after about five minutes of dancing. That confirmed that is I want to be around for my two daughters and be apart of their life I need to make changes.
I am opening this blog to the public for one reason only, so I will be honest with myself. If I am not updating this blog please call me out on it. My email is please help me stay on track for my health and for my families sake. Please!!!!! If I miss one day of updates please email me and encourage me to continue. I want to be able to dance with my daughters at their wedding day, I want to grow old with my lovely wife and be able to have the active lifestyle we want together.
I am starting a fitness program that I will explain more later but for now here is what I will be blogging about. If you can't wait check out the website 20 Second Fitness
My daily workout except Sunday.
What I eat. I'm not concerned with calories but smaller portions and eating better.
I have come to hate the scale but I will be posting my weight every week.
I will also be posting pictures of my progress. Luckily I'm married to a Las Vegas wedding photographer and she will be taking my pictures at least every 2 weeks.
Here are my before and after pictures. Unlike some before and after pictures I have a unique mark that will give me away.