Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 40

Well I can't believe it's been 40 days already. I still have a little HCG left so my diet coach said to keep doing the shots until it's gone. Probably another day or two of shots. Good thing my daughter is diabetic or I wouldn't have the extra needles. I knew her being diabetic would come in handy some day :)

I just photographed my last wedding of the year yesterday and it was a lot of fun. It was a wedding at the LDS Temple and TPC summerlin. While on HCG I enjoyed having an apple day for my long weddings. It really helped with my energy and I didn't struggle at all. There have only been a couple days where I've been really tired. After I went golfing two days in a row was the worst. For the most part I've had energy and been fine. One of the biggest annoyances has been not putting on lotion. My wife doesn't like dry hands. I've been rubbing carmex on my hands to help with the drying and cracking. That has worked well. 

When I weighed in this morning I came in at the lowest weight I've seen on the scale since my youngest daughter was 6 months old. Bree is now 7. The weight was 231.4. I'm so close to the 220's I can taste it.

As my oldest just told me today is Christmas Eve Eve Eve and I'm excited that for Christmas I'm getting a new me. I'm so happy my wife set up the appointment with the diet coach. Invested the money for HCG in me and helping me stick to the program.

I think I could have lost more weight but in the beginning I was using a lotion deep blue rub for my back and knee pain at night before bed. I didn't realize till half way through that it was probably a bad idea because of the lotion. I'm going to be posting some more photos after my maintenance days when the HCG is gone. 

Thank you to TrimBody MD

My diet coach Arian asked me when I wanted to lose my weight by and I told him Christmas. He sure did help me and delivered on that Christmas wish.

I've been wasting money for years on crap that never worked for me. The biggest change was the diet and the coaching. I was held accountable each week and texted Arian daily he was always pushing and helping me!


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