Monday, June 14, 2010


My oldest daughter is pretty sick and we are going to take her to get tested for Strep Throat. Just what my family wants to hear. I doubt everyone wants us to be around with a sick child.

This weekend has been rough.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Not ready to Run

I took my dog to the park and she wanted to run a little bit so I tried. It didn't work out for me. My knee is pretty tight right now. I walked with her for a while and did some pushups and attempted pullups at the park's workout sections. I remember the days when I could do 20 pullups like it was nothing. Now I could only get 2 good ones and cheated for a third. Getting back to 20 pullups is a new goal of mine. I know if I lose the weight it will happen.

I also did pushups today at home but didn't do the 20 second fitness. I was walking around downtown las vegas playing body guard for my wife for over 2 hours.



Wedding Photography Las Vegas

Friday, June 11, 2010

Thursday's Post

I did a lot better eating today. I ate a lot of fruit and veggies. I also didn't have any cupcakes or cookies at the birthday party we went too. But I did have a small strawberry milkshake from Sonic tonight. They have milkshakes buy one get one free so I gave in with that.

I did 20 second fitness again today and it was arms day. The burn on the bi's was great. Then I did my shake weight 6 minute exercise. Doing that right after the 20 second fitness makes me feel like I'm burning a lot more calories than when I try either by themselves.


Wedding Photography Las Vegas

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finally Back to 20 Second Fitness

Today our family went for a bike ride / walk to the dog park. The girls rode their bikes while my wife and I walked. By the time we got to the park our dogs were pretty spent and didn't play very much.

The girls had a ton of energy the last couple days. This morning they played at the park for an hour before it got too hot. Then had gymnastics / dance for 45 minutes. Plus the bike ride and they were still wired. Summers are tough on kids here unless you have a pool. Maybe some day we'll get a pool but I would rather have a new house with a pool than put a pool in our backyard now.

I have been slowly working my way back to getting ready for 20 second fitness and tonight I finally did it. I did the Wednesday workout of week two so I can just roll with it again. Unfortunately for me it was one of the hardest workouts and all legs!

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love as seen on tv products so today I had to go out and get the shake dumbbell to try it out. It was pretty intense because I did the workout right after my 20 second workout. I also bought the pushup pro to save my wrists and get me doing pushups again with 20 second fitness.

Thanks, Doug

Wedding Photographer Las Vegas

Moving Office Walking the Strip

Yesterday was a busy day, but I was able to squeeze in a nap with my youngest daughter. I helped my wife move her huge desk and office downstairs.

We also went out and walked around the Las Vegas Strip for two hours. I was playing body guard for my wife on a photo shoot. It was just fun to be with her. Plus walking around for 2 hours was a great workout.



Las Vegas Wedding Photographer

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lots of Yard Work

This morning I mowed the lawn, trimmed the bushes and rose bushes in the back yard. All while it was almost 100 degrees. Needless to say I was getting a work out in the sauna of Las Vegas. I also ended up helping a friend for about an hour packing his van because he is moving to Miami.

In the afternoon I took my girls to McDonalds and let them play for three hours. I ate two grilled wraps and an icecream cone. I was doing some website work for my wife while they were playing.

My Knee was starting to bug me a little today so I'm still not ready to start 20 second fitness again yet.


Wedding Photographer Las Vegas

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday's Post

Yesterday I went up to girl's camp at Mt. Charleston to help set up. I chopped wood for about an hour which was a great workout.

Then we went to Mindy's brothers house to swim. That was the first time this year we went swimming with the girls. I played some pool basketball with the guys. I almost drowned because I'm a crappy swimmer but I lived. Luckily my lifeguard trained wife was able help our daughter out because I couldn't swim with her in the deepend.

After the party we stopped by lowes and I walked home in the heat to get some more exercise. It's not that far from the house but it was good workout. Because it was almost 110 degrees.


Wedding Photographer Las Vegas

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yep It's Hot

I don't know how hot it is in Vegas right now but it is hot enough to make me sweat all day. Definitely SB Season.

I had a fun lunch with my two girls. We got dressed up nice and went to the cheesecake factory. It was a lot of fun to go on a fancy lunch date. After it was over I asked Georgia if it was fancy enough for her and she said no. The poor boys that girl ends up dating are in trouble.

We went to a birthday party and I did a lot of dancing so that was my workout for the day.



Wedding Photography Las Vegas

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gettin Out in The Vegas Sun

I worked outside this morning for about an hour in the heat and was sweating like a beast. Then this afternoon I walked while my youngest rode her bike to the store to pick out a movie.

That was quite the workout in the heat just walking there and back.

Food... I tried out a new burrito place called Super Burrito and it was super but probably not to good for me. Mindy's grandma used to always say if it tastes good you need to spit it out. She was tiny her whole life but I love food to much to follow her advice all the way.

I did eat some broccoli and carrots today though! Yea me!


Wedding Photographer Las Vegas

OK I'm Back

Thanks to the one and only family member who has been nagging me for a couple days now.

I haven't been blogging because I hurt my back. I was carrying my wife camera bag and tweeked it in early May. I guess when there is Thousands of dollars worth of equipment in there it can get pretty heavy.

I was taking some time off to try to get my back feeling better. It is still a little sore but I'll live.

Instead of 20 second fitness today I went to my park and to ride my bike. My knee has been bugging me when I tried to ride a couple months ago but it felt pretty good today after it went numb.

I have been eating pretty good and maintaining my weight even though I haven't been working out. But I do have to say I went to CiCi's pizza on Monday and I love that place. I still have not eaten a hamburger and have been pretty much staying away from fried foods.

This week I have been eating more fruit but I need to start getting more sleep.

It is finally starting to get hot in Las Vegas. So I am going to start going for walks or bike rides in the middle of the day to sweat like a beast. Tonight I went riding after the sun went down just to see how my knee would do.

Just a couple weeks to drop a few more lbs before I see my family for a wedding.

I know it is technically Thursday already but I'll be posting again tonight.
