Sunday, February 21, 2010

Doug is sick of being fat in Las Vegas

Hello my name is Doug. I am 28 years old and live in Las Vegas NV. I used to be in shape and happy with my body. As the years have come and gone I have gained more and more weight. I used to be in great shape. I was in the Marine Corps and played any and every sport I could. Sports are what got me into this mess. I blew out my knee when I was 21 years old. I have now had six knee surgeries, three on each knee.

I am sick of being unhealthy. I work and go to school online so I don't get much exercise.

On February 21, 2010 I weigh 267 pounds and I'm 5'10".

When I was in high school I weighted 205 pounds when I played football. When I was in the Marine Corps I weighted 179 pounds when I met my wife at age 20. At the pace I am going I will kill myself with the weight I gained.

Today I decided to stop waiting and make a change. This was confirmed when I tried to dance with my daughter and ended up tweaking my back after about five minutes of dancing. That confirmed that is I want to be around for my two daughters and be apart of their life I need to make changes.

I am opening this blog to the public for one reason only, so I will be honest with myself. If I am not updating this blog please call me out on it. My email is please help me stay on track for my health and for my families sake. Please!!!!! If I miss one day of updates please email me and encourage me to continue. I want to be able to dance with my daughters at their wedding day, I want to grow old with my lovely wife and be able to have the active lifestyle we want together.

I am starting a fitness program that I will explain more later but for now here is what I will be blogging about. If you can't wait check out the website 20 Second Fitness

My daily workout except Sunday.
What I eat. I'm not concerned with calories but smaller portions and eating better.
I have come to hate the scale but I will be posting my weight every week.
I will also be posting pictures of my progress. Luckily I'm married to a Las Vegas wedding photographer and she will be taking my pictures at least every 2 weeks.

Here are my before and after pictures. Unlike some before and after pictures I have a unique mark that will give me away.


  1. Wow! I can't believe what I have let happen to myself. This is pretty embarassing but I have to do it. & Yes those are girls shorts. My wife will probably be burning them.

  2. I had no idea you had a tattoo. Color me surprised. I think it's great that you're doing this. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.
