Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 16 Losing Weight in 20 Second Intervals

Exercise: Week 3 day 2 workout of 20 Second Fitness. It was a killer ab workout and then cardio. I went pretty hard so it was a good workout.
Food: 2 fiberone granola bar, two packets of baby carrots, banana, peach, small cup of sunflower seeds, apple sauce, final left overs from turkey meat balls and rice. (Yes they seemed spicier the third day.) I had a chicken taco salad again. I really like this cooked and sliced chicken from Costco. They make it easy to eat chicken. There are two packages with 33 ounces each for $9.99.
Drink: danactive, V-8

My wife is talking about joining me with my quest to get healthy so if you know her please encourage her too. She is an amazing Las Vegas photographer and her life is pretty busy but I know she can live a healthier life if she wants too. I love her and want her to be healthy too.

One thing I have learned through this experience is that once your mind decides to change anything is possible. The main way I have done it is by correlating the discipline I have in my life and turned it into discipline in my eating and exercise. For example I can count on one hand the number of times I remember swearing since I was 18 years old and leaving bootcamp. If I can control what my mouth says and what my mind wants to say some times, I can control what I eat and what my mind wants to put into my mouth. I will continue to progress and become healthier. I'm pleased with my steps so far but this is only the beginning.

Thanks, Doug

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